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Why Can my Chosen Person be Considered Notable? 


Well for Oprah Winfrey there are almost endless possibilities and answers, on why Oprah Winfrey could be considered notable.  


First and foremost, I chose Oprah Winfrey as my notable person as I know that she has originally donated to many people, charity and causes. But what I didn’t know was that her early life was extremely miserable, as she lived in poverty and struggles. When I did some initial research on Oprah Winfrey, I was shocked at what I found, and what she had done to overcome the struggles in her early life, and how she rose to massive amounts of success. 


First Occupation

Oprah Winfrey's first occupation started as an anchor. Soon after she began this job she was soon given the boot and was told that she was not fit or even nearly close to ready to start working in the media. This was her turning point and was determined to make a difference not only in the media, but in the real life as well.  


She was determined to create a difference, so she created her own television show named 'The Oprah Winfrey Show', which started out as a nice little talk show where she interviewed some people, not celebrities but some local heroes. People began to notice Oprah for her actions on her show and was intrigued by her and the entertainment her amazing show brought. Soon she was having famous people on her show, she was being interviewed on other television shows, and she was becoming crazy popular. 


Early Life

Sadly her life wasn’t always this exciting and amazing. When she was just a child, she was bullied for being an overweight, obese child, and as being a black female people were saying racist things about her and how her life will end up miserable and disappointing. The way she showed her courage, perseverance and resistance to almost everything, she was slowly becoming more noticed. The Oprah Winfrey Show began on the 8th of September 1986. It stopped producing episodes on the 25th of May 2011, so her show went on for many years, which is quite amazing. With such a successful show and having a popular image, she continued on with her acting, television and media career.  


Successful Television

Oprah began more television shows such as Dr. Phil, Super Soul Sunday, Greenleaf, the Haves and the Have Nots, and many more. The Oprah Winfrey show was still her most successful show interviewing many celebrities like Michael Jackson, Donald Trump, Ellen DeGeneres, Tom Cruise, Rihanna, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Mike Tyson, Sarah Ferguson, Barack Obama, Whitney Houston and more. Some of her interviews have been extremely weird as she would have had to cope with the strange things that some of the celebrities would have done. Some of them include Tom Cruise and Donald Trump.  


Oprah Winfrey has been notable in this line of work, as she just started from the bottom. She grew extremely quickly becoming one of the world's most famous talk-show hosts. The show she was first in was named AM Chicago. She was very successful at this job and this show, that they decided to rename this show to the Oprah Winfrey Show. But not only was she a television host, but also a very famous and successful actress. She's starred in famous movies such as Beloved, The Water Man, A Wrinkle in Time, Charlotte's Web, The Bee Movie, Selma, The Butler and many other movies, podcasts and documentaries.  


Other Occupations

People think that Oprah Winfrey is just notable in her career of acting. What many people don’t know is that Oprah Winfrey has many several occupations and careers. These include being a philanthropist, journalist, proprietor, producer, author, motivational speaker and podcaster. In total, over 12 occupations, however she is most famously known for being a talk-show host and actress.  


As an author, she has written mainly documentaries and biographies about her life. Mostly, her biographies have focused on her early life and how she overcame being bullied about her skin colour and being overweight, and how she became such a huge success in her line of work. As an author, she also released her own book club, named Oprah's Book Club. In this book club, she has a total of 91 books in it, including most of her books too. Some of Oprah Winfrey's books include What I Know For Sure, The Wisdoms of Sundays, The Path Made Clear, What Happened To You?, Food, Health and Happiness, Journey to Beloved and in total about 15 books have been written by Oprah Winfrey in her time of being an author.  


As well as being an author, she is also a podcaster and motivational speaker. Many people would think that this isn't something that she would do as her forte is in television. But really she is an extremely good motivational speaker. This can help many people in their line of work as sometimes they could be nervous or anxious for upcoming events. Talking to a motivational speaker is extremely useful another reason for Oprah Winfrey to be known as a notable person. 

But Why is She Notable?


Some people may ask why Oprah Winfrey should be considered notable, as she is 'only a television host', which is a completely false statement. She is notable as she is an extremely helpful person in all her lines of work. Most of the time it's not only for her. As a television host and actress she is notable as she brings entertainment and joy threw her shows. Some may argue against this but I think that it is something extremely important. She is notable as a motivational speaker as she can persuade a lot of people to do the right thing, if they were ever thinking of doing something wrong. This is also good as she is amazing at public speaking in front of massive crowds. Being a motivational speaker is also an extremely impressive job, which can inspire people to become this job when they're older, and there is also a lot of personal fulfilment in being a motivational speaker. 


Oprah Winfrey is also notable through pushing through terribly tough times. A great example of this was when she was just a young child as she was constantly being picked on by other kids. She was called horrible names because she was a black female and obese. In this real life scenario, she shows great skills of courage, bravery, mental resilience and perseverance. It is very tough to go through this and succeed so much, that when she became an adult, she became a billionaire. Her story of being bullied as a young child is super inspiring, as some people have become physically and mentally stronger because of this. Other black females, or obese people can take Oprah Winfrey's story very personally, and be inspired as well. And if people wanted to hear more about this story, they can go and listen to Oprah Winfrey as a motivational speaker. 


All of Oprah Winfrey's actions are inspiring, selfless and most of all notable. She has changed the world through her success and inspired many celebrities now to keep on pushing through with their work. Many famous people and companies have called Oprah Winfrey 'the most powerful woman in the entire world'. This is mainly because of her amazing sills and talent through her television show hosting, but also because of the fact that white males normally dominated most jobs and people. They would control television networks, peoples jobs and way of living. Oprah Winfrey's actions of courage show the world that nothing is impossible if you stick your mind to it. She is an amazing inspiration to all black people that they aren't just left alone to do nothing, and that they can do or be whatever their heart desires. She is fearlessness in her work doing many uncomfortable interviews, asking some very personal and uncomfortable questions to not only celebrities but everyday people as well. She treats everyday people and the people she interviews like the most important person on earth, or like an exceptional, talented, amazing human being, which is always a nice thing to know about whether you do know about it or not. 


Oprah Winfrey also has many different quotes, which all in themselves are quite notable and important. Some of them include, 'Surround yourself with only the people who lift you higher', The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate', 'When there is no struggle, there is no strength', 'Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you', and my personal favourite, 'If you are still breathing, you have a second chance'. This quote means that you can never give up unless you are dead, and that there is no point in life if you don’t challenge yourself in life, and not give everything a go.  


Oprah Winfrey is not only notable, but also very inspirational. She is inspirational for many reasons including her ability to overcome poverty, bullying, violence, assault and many more. She is also an inspiration for many young women around the globe, especially black, unfortunate, un-educated women, who really need a confidence boost in their life. 


Generous Amounts of Donations

But most importantly, Oprah Winfrey is exceptionally notable for two main reasons. The first is the fact that she gave away $50 million away to a charity without expecting anything in return. As she is a billionaire she uses her money for good, unlike some other selfish people who like to keep all of their money to themselves. Oprah Winfrey is an extremely generous, heart-warming person, who loves to give back to poor people who really needs a lot of help, care and money. She donated money towards multiple charities to give people in poverty clothing, shelter, food, books, and other necessities in life. The fact that she donates this amount of money to people are the things that makes more people respect her. People would think that $50 million in total, you would be wrong. In only just the past years, Oprah Winfrey has donated to the bushfires in Australia, COVID-19, cancer research, food deliveries, charities, and so many more, that she has given away a total of over $250 million in just the past few years. This is something that makes Oprah Winfrey extremely notable. 


The second thing that makes Oprah Winfrey exceptionally notable, is that not only does she donate to several charities, she also has her own charity. She donates to this regularly, and in total donating $5 million to her charity in just a few short months. That's a total of nearly donating $55 thousand every day to just her charity alone. Including her charity, Oprah Winfrey supports three main charities, The Oprah Winfrey Charity, (her charity), The Angel Network, (which has been heavily publicized on her television show and is also run by her), and America's Food Funds. These three charities are just some of many charities Oprah Winfrey donates to. Some of Oprah Winfrey's favourite charities include, Minnie's Food Pantry in Plano, Free the Children Organization, The Oprah Winfrey Charity, Oprah's Angel Network, Oprah Winfrey Scholarship, and so many more.  


Not only does she support and donates to charities, she has created her own charities, book stores and clubs, opening up schools to educate young children, and having a close, legitimate and true relationship with not only her family, friends and fans, but also all of the people she interviews, talks to, or bumps into every day on the street. Oprah Winfrey is not only a notable celebrity, but an excellent role model that everyone should follow. She stands out from all other famous people because she feels the pain and struggle that lots of people are going through. If Oprah Winfrey was a therapist, she would be an extremely good one.  


Personal Inspiration

Even though I have never personally met Oprah Winfrey, she has helped me through not only this task, but most of the struggles through my life in the past few weeks, ever since we started this project. She's taught me about commitment towards any form of task or challenge. It doesn’t matter if I come out the other end better or worse than before, but what only matters is that I'm happy and proud of my effort that I have put into this task, and know that I have really tried and pushed through the tough tasks that life has thrown at me. She's taught me that commitment to a task is a significant characteristic to have and endure in someone's life. It is important to commit to a task not only myself but for my family, friends and future self. In the short amount of time knowing Oprah Winfrey, I have learnt so much about not only her, but find out other secrets about my life that I have to explore further into in the future.  


Some other important characteristics that Oprah Winfrey has taught me are perseverance. Originally before I met Oprah, I would sometimes try and quickly get the work done fast, but now that I have met Oprah I have found out the importance of giving your all in a task whether or not it is for a school task, or a personal task. Perseverance is super important in someone's life, because it shows people including you that you are capable of great things, and that some essays in life are only the beginning. If someone doesn't have perseverance in their life, they may as well not even do the set task at hand. 


I hope that this information about Oprah Winfrey has been helpful to you as she definitely deserves to have the title of a notable person. 

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