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Dear the Academy Awards, and the Oscar's Community, 

Throughout the many several Oscars awards given out, there has been one actress, who has been nominated, but has never actually won. This actress is an emotional, heart-warming, joy-filled actress, who certainly deserves to be awarded one of these prestige prizes. She is one of America's most famous, wealthy, and well-known actresses. She has her own talk show, and stars in many popular movies. I think that Oprah Winfrey should be awarded, one of the Oscars award. 

Oprah Winfrey stars and casts in many separate movies, such as The Kings of Napa, Terms of Endearment, The 1969 Project and Netherland, just to name a few. As well as being an actress, she is also extremely well-known for being a television star and producer. As though Oprah Winfrey has been nominated several times for this prize, she hasn't won it yet. With the help of you, we can make Oprah Winfrey a whole lot happier. She has gone through a lot in her life, and she surely deserves this award. As she is an extremely courageous and strong woman and actress, there is no reason not for her to win this award.  

As Oprah Winfrey is slowly becoming an older person, she would have a lot of wisdom, and experience form acting, producing and being on television in general. You don’t want her to go home, knowing that she has put everything towards this particular moment, and say that she was only nominated, when you know and she knows that she well could have won it? Think of the joy on her face, the satisfaction of her winning this Academy Award, and there is no reason, why she shouldn’t win it. 

Oprah Winfrey is also extremely good with other people. She is definitely a social person. As she has interviewed Prince Harry and Meghan Markle before, she can almost talk to anyone. This was a world-famous interview, that struck the world, and Oprah Winfrey had the courage to do so. She is good with all actors and actresses she works with, gets along with her directors, and is always willing to collaborate. As she is also a television host, actress and star, she will have great amounts of expertise, to share with her fellow actors and actresses.


Interviewing many famous people on her talk show, like the famous Tom Cruise who stars in all of the Mission Impossible series, James Frey and Brad Pitt, she is no stranger to having uncomfortable times with other celebrities, as these interviews were slightly uncomfortable, and a bit strange. However Oprah Winfrey pushed through the pain, and kept going on with the interviews, regardless of how weird they felt. Her most famous interview are either the 2-hour long interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, or many years ago, when she interviewed one of the most famous singers known, Michael Jackson. She is amazing at being a social person, that gets along with most people. 

In conclusion, Oprah Winfrey is a surely deserved winner of the Oscars as she has much experience and expertise with acting and being on television, and she is a great social person, so she can work around many obstacles thrown at her. Please take this letter into some great thought and consideration. 

Yours Sincerely, 

Jackson Woollam. 6CH. 

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