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1. What are some of your greatest achievements? 

2. Who are some of your most famous or interesting interviews? 

3. What were you feeling or thinking after the Meghan Markle and Prince Harry interview? Were you shocked at how open they were to all of the questions you asked them? 

4. What are some of your most successful television shows? 

5. What is your charity most focused on? 



1. Some of my greatest achievements could include having the Oprah Winfrey Show being extremely entertaining, exciting and popular. I never expected it to blow up as well as it did. The Meghan Markle and Prince Harry interview was also a highlight of my life and an achievement, as there was a lot of deep statements from the couple that the world and I had no idea about. 

2. Some of my most famous interview would definitely include Donald Trump, Michael Jackson, Tom Cruise, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry and Rihanna. 

3. I was extremely shocked when I heard the news about people begin racist about Meghan and Harry's baby, as I originally thought that it was a great achievement by them. But after the interview was recorded I was definitely in shock and surprise. 

4. Definitely the Oprah Winfrey Show as it is my most famous and popular interview, Greenleaf, Dr. Phil and Super Soul Sunday. 

5. My charity is most focused on giving food, living conditions/shelter and education to people who aren't as fortunate as me and most people. The more money we donate, the more people we can save. 

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