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Who am I? 


Born on the 29th of January, 1954, 

But grew up to be one of the biggest celebrities that one couldn’t ignore. 


She started as a young bullied child, 

Who as they grew older, shocked the world in style. 


She's one of America's biggest television stars, 

Which is pretty impressive, considering she grew up with scars. 


Her childhood was miserable, and unhappy with itches, 

But really her life story was definitely from rags to riches. 


Being a billionaire she's done a lot in her life, 

Even had a child at the age of fourteen, but that doesn’t mean she's a wife. 


She's a world-famous actress who even has her own show, 

It's not surprising that she's received many prestigious awards in a row. 


But there was one famous interview which shocked the world, 

Which even left her all whirled up and twirled. 


She has accomplished many great things, it's about time she's been free, 

And if you haven't guessed it already, I'm talking about Oprah Winfrey. 

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